Momentos con el Maestro
Over the last 12 monthes the Lords presence has given us life and security “inside“ Casa del Pastor. He has provided, Substained and cared intimately for all our needs. This past weekend the Lord brought a missionary who loves Jesus Debbi Bryson considers herself to be a reluctant and accidental author, Bible teacher, and lecturer. But she has a passion to encourage women, young mothers, women who are hurting or fearful, discouraged or have lost their way. Confident that the Word of God has truth that changes, heals and comforts, she could not remain silent. One of her great joys is teaching women practical yndale ways.) She shares how to develop a quiet time, how to learn to hear God's voice in his Word and then apply it. Written studies of her include Our Father and Philippians. Wisdom for Women began as a 2-minute radio program through Proverbs broadcast on radio stations all over the world. CCSV and Cdp women had a refreshing time in the Lord this Feb 2021 . MOMENTS WITH THE MASTER.